I thought the 2018 awards nomination season passed me by. But on Friday the good folks at the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) sent out a reminder that the Nebula nomination period remains open until Friday, February 15—to say nothing of the Hugo Awards, which haven’t even circulated their ballot yet. (Hey, I dream big.) So if there’s anybody out there looking to fill the empty spaces on their various awards ballots, I’ve got stories—and some nonfiction, too:


“The Wrong Refrigerator”, edited by Sheila Williams, published in Asimov’s September/October 2018 issue.

“A Favor for Lord Bai”, edited by Patricia Bray and Joshua Palmatier, published in Second Round: A Return to the Ur-Bar (Zombies Need Brains)


“Devil’s Bargain”, edited by R. Allen Leider, published in Signed in Blood (Bold Venture Press)


Strategy Strikes Back: How Star Wars Explains Modern Military Conflict, edited by Max Brooks, John Amble, M.L. Cavanaugh and Jaym Gates, published by Potomac Books

The “Related Work” category only applies to the Hugos. (Again: Dream big. Rinse. Repeat.) My contribution to the collection was “Jedi Mind Tricks: From the Reel to the Real”, which shows you just how far out there real life military operations can be.

Links to the bleeding chunks—er, excerpts from all these works can be found on the homepage to this site: JeanMarieWard.com .

Alas, lacking a new novel or graphic novel, I’m not eligible for Dragon Awards, but I feel I should plug them, regardless. They’re one of the few awards where anybody can vote. You don’t even have to buy a DragonCon membership. All you need is a lot of love for science fiction and fantasy in all its forms–in other words, everybody!

Thanks and happy reading!