The behinder I get. At least, it sure seems that way.

It’s taken me way too long to update the front page with the cover and jacket copy for Hellfire Lounge 2: Rat Pack Redux. If you like your horror served sardonic–and occasionally laugh out loud funny–this is the anthology for you. It features stories by my old friends C. J. Henderson, Danielle Ackley-McPhail, R. Allen Leider and Robert Waters, as well as new colleagues James Chambers, John L. French, KT Pinto, Patrick Thomas and Paul Kupperberg, and amazing art by Ben Fogletto (check out that cover!), Ed Coutts, Ben Fogletto, Denny Fincke, Jason Whitley and Paul London. Yeah, I’m in there, too, with a little story called “Billy’s Monster”. And when I say little, you know I mean it.

Also criminal is my failure to blog more about my interview at Carma Spence’s Genre Traveller. Carma did a great job with the interview, but the thing that knocks me out is the interactive content. It’s worth it to check out the page just to see her linky goodness. Trust me, you won’t regret it.

Happy Ground Hog Day!