Enough to nominate With Nine You Get Vanyr for the 2006 Preditors and Editors Readers Poll.  If you’ve read the book and like it enough, please, vote for it.  I’ll make it easy with a link to the polling site.  🙂  But even if you choose not to vote for our book, please, vote for a deserving title in any of the categories.  This is truly an awards program where everybody wins.
Of course, I’m hoping Samhain and my fellow Samhellions do really well.  (Ann Vremont’s Reluctant Muse is listed among the Romance titles too.)  But it’s all good.  
Except for the difficulty in identifying just one title to vote for.  Fortunately for my inner reader (if not for the polling process) this year I could happily nominate and vote for three or four titles in every category.  I’m such a magpie!  LOL