While I was at Balticon. Sorry about that, folks. Hopefully, changing the password took care of that.
The con, however, was great. Joshua Palmatier and I hosted the Maryland launch of The Modern Fae’s Guide to Surviving Humanity with help from his brothers Jacob and Jason. Well, really, it was mostly Joshua and me, but J2 and J3 were very decorative, which didn’t hurt the launch party any. People came for the books and then looked for the food. Joshua and I were intensely flattered.
The Broad Universe Rapid Fire Reading was enormous: Guest of Honor Jody Lynn Nye, Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Roxanne Bland, Emilie P. Bush, Elaine Corvidae, Meriah Crawford, Kelly Harmon, Reesa Herberth, Gail Martin, Michelle Moor, T.J. Perkins, KT Pinto, Roberta Rogow, Trish Wilson, Trisha Wooldridge and me. And we still had more folks in the audience than lurking around the front of the room. As I always say, feed them cookies and strawberries, and they will come. 😉
But as always, the best part of the con was connecting with friends, old and new. Well, that and having someone actually ask me to sign something at the autographing session. (Thanks, Patty!)
Looking forward to next year, everyone!