That got your attention.  Mwahahahaha!  
As I mentined a few posts ago, Samhain Publishing has established a blog for its writers.  Through no fault of the editor in charge, I snagged the Twelfth Night slot.  I was thrilled.  Twelfth Night was one of the first of the Bard’s comedies I read as a wee lass.  To escape doing the dishes, I used to hide out in the bathroom of our quarters, my dad’s Army manual on Shakespeare across my knees.  (Yes, Virginia, the Army used to have a manual containing the complete text of Shakespeare’s greatest hits.  It was a kinder, gentler, hell of a lot more erudite time.)  I planned to explore how Shakespeare fed my love of fantasy, how his tropes and heroes remain my models to this day…
Nah, way too soppy.  Besides, who cares?  Well, maybe somebody does, but not enough to justify reading 500-1000 words.
Then I got enchanted by “The Annotated Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter” blog that made the rounds on LJ earlier this week.  Laughed so hard I spewed iced tea out of my nose.  Agreed with every one of Chris’s words and howled at his selected pics.  As an opening salvo on a possible blog on good writers gone sloppy, I shared the link with a couple of lists.  The subject looked like a real winner until a couple writers on one of the Samhain lists took extreme umbrage at the comments (not the blog, mind you, the comments!) posted after the blog.  Found the “author bashing” offensive.  Okay…unless I wanted to get into a rant on the difference between libel, slander and making free speech hay with the personal details LKH herself posts on her blog, that was out.
Fortunately, just as Rick and Ilsa always have Paris, I always have fan fiction.  And that crossover I mentioned?  It’s in there.
Now that we’ve got the pimpage out of the way, am I the only person who thinks a Highlander anime movie signals the End of Days?
Hugs and shudders,
Jean Marie

There can be only one–and he has to be Methos, because Methos has the best Kronos flashbacks.