Specifically, for the lucky librarians attending the ALA conference in Washington, DC, over the next few days.
Courtesy of RWA, I’ll be signing free copies of With Nine You Get Vanyr at the RWA booth from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 26.  This is one of RWA’s very good deals.  It affords Published Author Network (PAN) members the opportunity to connect with librarians and and get books into their hands–at no cost to the writer!  Ideally, what the librarians read will inspire them to order the author’s next book.  And people wonder why I say PAN membership is important.  😀
If Mom’s health holds up, I hope to cruise “the Stacks” Sunday and Monday too.  She spent two days in hospital this week and still feels a little punky.  IV antibiotic and saline took care of the medical problem, but it still takes time to recover from the IV.
Tomorrow, if I hold up, I’ll be lunching with a few other Samhain authors and editors at the Champps in Columbia, MD.  Then, if I’m still conscious, it’s off to a friend’s house for a BBQ.  Greg has his doubts.  Naturally, in the middle of everyone’s health issues, I came down with another sinus infection.  Gah. 
But it could always be worse.
Hugs and crossed fingers,
Jean Marie