Broad Pod Image

Like everybody else, I’m stricken by the news that Borders, which for years served as my happy place for books, will be no more. I can’t offer enough sympathy and good wishes to its employees–or rain enough curses on the heads of its inept and wrong-headed management.

My mom used to say laughter cures all ills. As far as I know, it doesn’t do beans for a job hunt. But in the hopes that it might make the evenings afterward more bearable, I offer you two BroadPods. I really should’ve mentioned Lord Bai and I were in the April episode, which also features Jody Lynn Nye’s reading from her new comic space opera and K.A. Laity’s meditation on Mad Hatter economics, as well as novel excerpts from from Shauna Roberts and Lynda Williams.

But the real news in this post is the unveiling of the July BroadPod, just in time for bookstore relief. Jody hosts this one, which features Jaleta Clegg’s new take on “Mary Had a Little Lamb”, Tracy S. Morris’s Bubba vacation tale and Justine Graykin’s job security-seeking spies. And, oh yeah, a little passage of mine about sirens and strudel. You know the one. Mwahahahaha!

(P.S., Yes, I did consider this important enough to say it twice. I originally posted this on my News page, but I felt it needed wider play. After all, how often does a girl get introduced by Jody Lynn Nye? 🙂 )