Thursday 13, Modern Fae-style

You already know about “Fixed” my story in The Modern Fae’s Guide to Surviving Humanity (aka #ModernFae in the Twitterverse), the wonderful fantasy anthology edited by Joshua Palmatier and Patricia Bray. (My blurb and an excerpt can be found here, if you somehow...

Six Sentence Sunday: “Fixed”, Part 2

It’s getting closer and closer. The Modern Fae’s Guide to Surviving Humanity goes on sale March 6. To whet your appetite, here’s another Six Sentence Sunday snippet from my cat shifter story, “Fixed”. Enjoy! He feinted right. With a...

Six Sentence Sunday: “Fixed”

This Six Sentence Sunday I’m super excited to share an excerpt from “Fixed”, my story in The Modern Fae’s Guide to Surviving Humanity, coming from DAW Books to a bookstore near you on March 6. Yes, you read that right: DAW Books. It’s my...

Six Sentence Sunday: “Hoodoo Cupid” Three

This will be my last Six Sentence Sunday excerpt from “Hoodoo Cupid”–at least until next year. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading the excerpts as much as I’ve enjoyed revisiting the story. Spacer No matter how hard or how loud her inner...

Six Sentence Sunday: “Hoodoo Cupid” Two

As promised, February’s first three Six Sentence Sunday entries are all from my short contemporary romance, “Hoodoo Cupid”, available wherever fine ebooks are sold. Today’s scene takes place in the ER after Maggie Scanlan’s hoodoo has...

Six Sentence Sunday: “Hoodoo Cupid”

In honor of February’s big day, I plan three Six Sentence Sunday excerpts from my Valentine’s Day romance, “Hoodoo Cupid”, a short romance published by Red Rose and available wherever fine ebooks are sold. As the blurb says: Maggie Scanlan’s...

The Faster I Run…

The behinder I get. At least, it sure seems that way. It’s taken me way too long to update the front page with the cover and jacket copy for Hellfire Lounge 2: Rat Pack Redux. If you like your horror served sardonic–and occasionally laugh out loud...

Six Sentence Sunday: “Green Eyes”

For the regulars here, this story is old news. But it’s only six sentences long, and for Six Sentence Sunday, I couldn’t resist: “He came in through the window,” the princess said. As if that explained everything. Fortunately, for her father the sultan, it...

Six Sentence Sunday: “Lord Bai and the Magic Pirate”

This week’s Six Sentence Sunday feature is the opening of a story I just finished. It was timely when I started it, but even more so now. “What do spells, copying and writing have to do with pirates?” Lord Bai, White Dragon of the West, whined—no, repined in a...

Web love for The Modern Fae’s Guide

Hard to believe, but the release date for The Modern Fae’s Guide to Surviving Humanity is only six weeks away! Things are heating up on the promotional front, too. (Yes!) Jessica at Waiting on Wednesday has listed The Modern Fae’s Guide as one of the books...