Dragon*Con, here I come!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… No, silly, not the winter holiday season.  I’m talking about Dragon*Con, where you too can be surrounded by forty thousand of the closest friends and acquaintances you never met before–like these...

My Schedule for Balticon 2012

This year’s Balticon will nothing if not exciting. I’m scheduled for fifteen (fifteen!) panels. Gulp. Friday 4:00 pm (Salon B) Symbology of Animals in Folk and Fairy Tales (Readers Track) Are certain animals used to symbolize certain character types. How? Why? In a...

RavenCon Schedule

RavenCon is this weekend! I can’t wait, and when you see the schedule they’ve given me, you’ll know why. And this is only the tip of their programming iceberg. Glen Cook and Matthew Stewart are the writer and artist guests of honor, respectively. This year the con...

My Schedule for Balticon 45

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… No, not the big Red/Green holiday. I mean con season! For me it’s kicking off in a big way with Balticon 45 at the Marriott in Hunt Valley, Maryland, this weekend, May 27-30. So far, my schedule includes six panels...

SynDCon Schedule

As you probably guessed from my silence on the blog-waves, I’m lost in the writing cave again. But I’ll emerge for two days this weekend to participate in the seminars and wonderfulness that is SynDCon, the Washington DC area’s premier gaming...