Forget Necessity

Desperation is the mother of invention in this house. I was trying to line up the August blogs I owe to blog sites other than my own. The goal was to get it all over with now, so I’d have more time to write next month. They were all playing nicely except my...

DragonCon Whoops

That’s whoops as in “cheers”, not the kind you say when you drop something. Derek Tatum, the chair of the DragonCon Dark Fantasy track, has posted his preliminary guest list, and look who’s on it:Michelle BelangerDoug BradleyElizabeth...

Going to Dragon*Con

I’m about to leave for my favorite summer camp for wayward adults: Dragon*Con. This year they’re working me to the bone, and I hate to suffer alone. So if you’d like to drop by to cheer, jeer or just say hello, this is where you’ll find me:SaturdayParanormal Romance...