Goodbye, farewell, auf wiedersehen–dagnabbit!

I said goodbye to a good friend today. After 19 years, four administrations and three moves, the Waldenbooks at Landmark Mall is closing its doors at 9 p.m. tonight. A lot of my personal history–good and bad–goes with them. This was the store where I hid...

DragonCon, here I come

My name is listed on the DragonCon Guests Page, and they’ve given me a biography of my very own.  So it’s official, I will be adding my own special brand of madness to DragonCon, September 4-7.  Not only that, they’ve added a new track featuring...

A little blog, but mine own

Posted my latest blog at Beyond the Veil.  This time I tackle caffeine and ghosts.  Hmm, caffeinated ghosts.  Now there’s a story idea! Cheers and grins,

With flourishes and fanfares, I give you

My new home on the web is complete. is now live. The links work, including the Amazon gifs. (Yes, I’m an affiliate. Don’t hate me.) I still can’t crosspost between blogs, but I can copy and paste for the time being.I’ll be...

This blog is live

After a very scary two days without any web site at all, I managed to figure out how to save the site and get my blog to show.  It was all about the Reader Settings.  Who knew?  Certainly not me.  Now to get back with the serious work of rearranging the columns and...

Going to Dragon*Con

I’m about to leave for my favorite summer camp for wayward adults: Dragon*Con. This year they’re working me to the bone, and I hate to suffer alone. So if you’d like to drop by to cheer, jeer or just say hello, this is where you’ll find me:SaturdayParanormal Romance...

Beavers And Turtles And Ducks, Oh My!

I finally joined the YouTube Generation last night. Quite by accident I photographed a series of nature shots at a local stream that made a decent slide show. So if you want to see some of Virginia’s not-quite-wild fauna, you might want to check out the results...

The Beach Said, "Ouch!"

Figured I’d better establish raise the flag on Blogspot, if only to secure my name. Will be interesting to see how this works out. Cheers, Jean Marie

Oh yeah

Gakked from Vampry by way of Suricattus. Is this perfect or what? Jean Marie “Never go to bed angry, stay up and plot your revenge.” ‘What is your personal life motto?’ at

Chuck 2.0 & Forever Moonlight

Okay, I know that in any given year at least twenty percent of the so-called new TV series are retreads.  But geez, guys, give credit where credit is due.  The first Chuck script gave me a serious case of deja Jake 2.0.  And...