The Baltimore Book Festival and me

For the second year in a row, the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) has invited me to participate in the Baltimore Book Festival, September 24-26. *user rubs hands in anticipation and utters a muted “Mwahahaha!” then looks around...

My Dragon Con Schedule, 2015 Version

It’s that time again–Dragon Con time. Starting this afternoon, Greg and Pumba will be on their own for the better part of a week, and I’ll be working panels and catching up with friends at the world’s number one summer camp for wayward adults....

My Schedule for Balticon 49

Balticon has posted its 2015 program—and not a minute too soon. The con starts in three days! I can’t wait. There will be friends to see, toasts to raise, costumes to praise, and panels to enjoy. This year, I have three formal panels, and three readings, at least one...

My RavenCon Schedule, Version 2015

If it’s April, it must be RavenCon, Richmond’s home-grown con. Yours truly will be on the program again this year—as will lots of my favorite people. What you see here is only the smallest part of the whole. Friday, April 24 5 PM (Panel) Urban Fantasy in the Real...

Getting out the Vote–Awards Version

Whatever side you take on the current Hugo Awards kerfuffle, you gotta admit it highlights the importance of voting for what you want. Roughly two thousand ballots were submitted for this year’s Hugos, which sounds like a lot until you realize that the pool of...