June 6, Then and Now

I don’t do a lot of significant day posts, because frankly, I usually forget the day is significant until it’s over. But today, as I read the news, I was struck with a correspondence I couldn’t ignore. Today is the sixth of June, the anniversary of...

My 2020 Balticon Schedule

Memorial Day weekend is coming up fast, and so is Balticon. This year we won’t be traveling to Baltimore for our annual dose of Memorial Day weekend joy. But never fear. Balticon is coming to you. Check out the website for the details. There will be panels, filking,...

Someone’s in the kitchen with Arturo

Like a lot of folks in these locked down times, I think about food. A lot–what I can find, what I can persuade people to deliver, and what I can cook. There is a school of culinary thought that says all US cuisine derives from African-American cuisine, and...

A little blog, but mine own

Posted my latest blog at Beyond the Veil.  This time I tackle caffeine and ghosts.  Hmm, caffeinated ghosts.  Now there’s a story idea! Cheers and grins,

This blog is live

After a very scary two days without any web site at all, I managed to figure out how to save the site and get my blog to show.  It was all about the Reader Settings.  Who knew?  Certainly not me.  Now to get back with the serious work of rearranging the columns and...