It’s done! It’s done! It’s done… again.

Finished the rewrite of Highway from Hell, which is now 82K and stuff. (Nothing like having to rewrite 40K to add 12K.) The next step is to let the manuscript rest a few days before reading it over and offering it up for beta. Or maybe zeta. Some folks have really...

Tooting the blog horn

It’s that time of the month again–I’m blogging at Beyond the Veil.  Wait.  What time of the month were you thinking of?  Hmpf.  Anyway, today’s subject: cons and fun, with a chaser of RWA.  Cheers!

Captain Blood in outer space? Oh noooooooes!

I guess the early works of Rafael Sabatini finally lapsed into the public domain. Warner Brothers (Warner Brothers!) has decided the time is ripe to update Captain Blood, the greatest pirate movie of the 20th century, by setting it in outer space. Variety has the...

Captain Blood in outer space? Oh nooooooooooooooes!!

I guess the early works of Rafael Sabatini finally lapsed into the public domain. Warner Brothers (Warner Brothers!) has decided the time is ripe to update Captain Blood, the greatest pirate movie of the 20th century, by setting it in outer space. Variety has the...

Forget Necessity

Desperation is the mother of invention in this house. I was trying to line up the August blogs I owe to blog sites other than my own. The goal was to get it all over with now, so I’d have more time to write next month. They were all playing nicely except my...

Forget Necessity

Desperation is the mother of invention in this house. I was trying to line up the August blogs I owe to blog sites other than my own. The goal was to get it all over with now, so I’d have more time to write next month. They were all playing nicely except my...

I <3 Writers

Late Friday night I wrote a long post about my adventures at RWA Nationals and posted it everyplace except here. The omission was by no means intentional. Unfortunately, the web host was down. 😛 The short version is I had a fabulous time. No, I didn’t go to the...

I <3 Writers

Been out of the loop this week not quite attending the Romance Writers of America’s 2009 national conference. I decided to skip the conference itself but not the chance to see my friends. Jana Oliver came early to visit and get a taste of the city. We cruised...

The Good Stuff–Writing Edition

Last week, my friend Ellen Byerrum (center) celebrated the broadcast of Killer Hair, the first of two Crime of Fashion movies on the Lifetime Movie Network. Ellen’s written six mysteries featuring vintage design-loving fashion sleuth Lacey Smithsonian and several...

The Good Stuff—Writing Edition

Last week, my friend Ellen Byerrum (center) celebrated the broadcast of Killer Hair, the first of two Crime of Fashion movies on the Lifetime Movie Network. Ellen’s written six mysteries featuring vintage design-loving fashion sleuth Lacey Smithsonian and several...