“Who Breaks a Butterfly on a Wheel?”

I returned to the computer this afternoon afire to weigh in on LJ’s misguided response to WFI.  I planned to tie 6Apart’s ham-fistedness to British law enforcement’s criminal persecution of the Rolling Stones forty years ago.  I ran down...

Mrs. Giggles Review

Got back to Balticon to discover With Nine You Get Vanyr had been Giggled.  I’m alternating between squees of delight and “Ouchouchouchouchouch!”  Mrs. G’s darts are sharp!  LOL  But her aim is true.  She’s...

Balticon and Fifteen Minutes of RWA Fame

I’ll be heading off to Balticon tomorrow morn–er, around noon.  I’m on the guest list, but I was added too late to make the posted program.  Don’t even know my panels yet, but hey, it’s all about the adventure.  🙂  If...

Heroes & Villains

It’s Greek mythology day at the Fantasy & Enchantment Blog.  Trust me, you’ll never see Hercules and Orpheus quite the same way ever again…unless you had my warped view of the legends to start with.  Mwahahaha!

The Magic In Between

That’s the subject of Dayna Hart’s blog today at the Fantasy and Enchantment Blog.  I love liminal places–or maybe I just love the word and the way it rolls around my mouth.  A wise old teacher once told me I became a writer because I was...